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Anglicko-český slovník

BETA English-Czech translation for: C$
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Dictionary English Czech: C

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NOUN   a C [letter; note] | Cs/C's
SYNO   100 | C | century | hundred ... 
Unverified about {prep}kol č-o
Unverified about {prep}kolem č-o
despite sth. {adv}navzdory č-u
Unverified notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.]navzdory č-u
exempt from sth. {adj}nepodléhající č-u
nonexempt from sth. {adj}podléhající č-u
med. subcutaneous {adj} <sub-Q>subkutánní <s.c.>
amid sth. {prep}uprostřed č-o
free of charge {adv} <f.o.c., FOC> [postpos.]zadarmo
to achieve sth. {verb}dosáhnout [dok.] č-o
to attain sth. {verb}dosáhnout č-o [dok.]
to regret sth. {verb}litovat [nedok.] č-o
to abandon oneself to sth. {verb}propadnout č-u [dok.]
to forestall sb./sth. {verb}zabránit [dok.] k-u/č-u
to abandon sth. {verb}zanechat č-o [dok.]
implication for sth. {noun}důsledek {m} č-o
spoonful of {noun}lžička č-o {f}
abandonement of sth. {noun}opuštění {n} č-o
century {noun} <c, cent.>století {n}
chem. carbon {noun} <C>uhlík {m} <C> [prvek]
2 Words: Others
concerned with sb./sth. {adj}dotýkající se k-o/č-o [např. činnosti]
because of {prep}kvůli (k-u, č-u)
at the pinnacle of sth. {adv}na vrcholu č-o
oblivious of/to sth. {adj}nevědomý si č-o
concerned with sb./sth. {adj}týkající se k-o/č-o
by {prep} [next to]vedle (k-o, č-o)
exempt from sth. {adj}vyňatý z č-o
2 Words: Verbs
to commit sth. [crime etc.] {verb}dopustit se [dok.] č-o
to adhere (to sth.) {verb}držet se (č-o) [nedok.]
to be fed up with sth. [coll.] {verb}mít č-o dost
to have had enough of sb. {verb}mít č-o dost
to devote oneself to sth. {verb}oddat se č-u [dok.]
to laugh at sth. {verb}smát se [nedok.] č-u
to slide into sth. {verb}upadat do č-o [dok.]
to abandon sth. {verb}vzdát se č-o [dok.]
to shut down sth. {verb}zastavit výrobu č-o [dok.]
to get rid of sb./sth. {verb}zbavit se k-o/č-o [dok.]
to abandon sth. {verb}zříci se č-o [dok.]
2 Words: Nouns
abandonement of sth. {noun}vzdání se {n} č-o
abandonement of sth. {noun}zřeknutí se {n} č-o
3 Words: Verbs
to prefer {verb}dávat přednost (k-u,č-u) [nedok.]
to intervene in sth. {verb}vmísit se [dok.] do č-o
4 Words: Verbs
to be distraught over sth. {verb}být silně rozrušený kvůli č-u
to be tired of {verb}být unaven z k-o,č-o
5+ Words: Verbs
Unverified to be distraught at sth. {verb}být téměř bez sebe kvůli č-u
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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