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Anglicko-český slovník

BETA English-Czech translation for: to take off
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Dictionary English Czech: to take off

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VERB  to take off | took off | taken off ... 
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Partial Matches
take-off {noun}vzlet {m}
take-off {noun}odlet {m}
to take off {verb}vzlétnout [dok.]
to take off [to remove] {verb}oddálit [dok.]
to take off [clothes] {verb}svléknout se [dok.]
an hour before take-offhodina před odletem {f}
to take a day off {verb}vzít si den volna [dok.]
also {adv}také
off {adv}pryč
neither {adv}také ne
take-in {noun}ubytování {n}
Unverified take on {verb}přijímat
to take [last] {verb}trvat [nedok.]
Unverified to cut off {verb}uřezávat [nedok.]
Unverified to cut off {verb}uříznout [dok.]
Unverified to cut off {verb}odřezávat [nedok.]
Unverified to cut off {verb}odříznout [dok.]
day off {noun}den {m} volna
to turn off {verb}vypnout [dok.]
to take part {verb}účastnit se [nedok.]
to take coffee {verb}pít [nedok.] kávu
to take a photograph {verb}vyfotit [dok.]
too [as well, also]také
to take shape {verb}dostávat tvar [nedok.]
to peel off {verb}odlepovat se [nedok.]
off-peak electricity {noun}noční proud {m}
to show off {verb}chlubit (se) [nedok.]
to switch off {verb}vypnout [dok.] [spotřebič]
to get laid off {verb}být propuštěn
to take part in {verb}účastnit se [dok.]
právo to take legal action {verb}podat žalobu [dok.]
The same to you.Tobě také.
also referred to astaké zvaný
to take care of {verb}pečovat o [nedok.]
to call off [cancel, postpone] {verb}odvolat [dok.]
to send off [dispatch, post] {verb}odeslat [dok.]
to send off [dispatch, post] {verb}odesílat [nedok.]
to get off [a vehicle] {verb}vystoupit [dok.]
to take a long time {verb}trvat dlouho [nedok.]
to take into consideration {verb}vzít v potaz [dok.]
to take into consideration {verb}vzít v úvahu [dok.]
Take care of yourself!Dávej na sebe pozor!
Take care of yourself!Dej na sebe pozor!
to get off the track {verb}odbočit od tématu [dok.]
to take sth. into account {verb}počítat s kým/čím [nedok.]
How long will it take ... ?Jak dlouho to bude trvat ... ?
Can I take a message for him?Mám mu něco vyřídit?
to take sb.'s advice {verb}dát si [dok.] poradit od k-o
Can I take a message for her?Mám něco vyřídit?
to take a step towards sb. {verb}udělat krok směrem ke k-u [dok.]
Can I take this with me?Můžu si to vzít s sebou?
to drop sb. off [from a vehicle] {verb}vysadit k-o [z auta] [dok.]
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