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BETA English-Czech translation for: washing up
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Dictionary English Czech: washing up

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

NOUN   (the) washing-up | -
washing-up {noun}pomývání {n}
Partial Matches
washing machine {noun}pračka {f}
up {adv}na
up {adv}nahoře
up {prep}nahoru
Chin up!Hlavu vzhůru!
chopped (up) {adj}drcený
chopped (up) {adj}rozkrájený
geared up {adj}připravený
Hurry up!Pospíchej!
mixed up {adj}neurotický
team up {verb}spojit se [dok.]
to break up {verb}rozdělit se [dok.]
to cheer up {verb}rozveselit se [dok.]
to clear up {verb}ujasnit si [dok.]
to fill up {verb}naplnit [dok.]
to get up {verb}vstávat [nedok.]
to grow up {verb}vyrůst [dok.]
to hurry up {verb}pospíšit si [dok.]
to look up {verb}vyhledat [dok.]
to pile up {verb}navršit [dok.]
to pile up {verb}vršit [nedok.]
to puff up {verb}nafouknout se [dok.]
to puff up {verb}napuchnout [dok.]
to puff up {verb}otéct [dok.]
to show up {verb}ozvat se [dát o sobě vědět] [dok.]
to store up {verb}hromadit [nedok.]
to tidy up {verb}uklidit [dok.]
to turn up {verb}ozvat se [dát o sobě vědět] [dok.]
to use up {verb}vypotřebovat [dok.]
to wind up {verb}zakončit [řeč, schůzi, apod.] [dok.]
to wrap up {verb}zabalit [dok.]
sport press-up {noun}klik {m}
sport push-up {noun}klik {m}
sport sit-up {noun}sed-leh {m}
to break up [Am.] {verb}rozejít se [dok.]
to bring up [children] {verb}vychovat [dok.]
to bring up [children] {verb}vychovávat [nedok.]
to pick up [passengers] {verb}vyzvednout [dok.]
to pile up [stack] {verb}nakupit [dok.]
to roll up sth. {verb}smotat co [dok.]
to wake sb. up {verb}vzbudit k-o [dok.]
line-up {noun} [team]sestava {f}
up three stepstři schody nahoru
to give up [surrender, relinquish] {verb}vzdát se [dok.]
to puff up [swell up] {verb}naběhnout [dok.]
to store up [pile up] {verb}nahromadit [dok.]
up-to-date {adj} [attr.]aktuální
team up (with sb.) {verb}dát se dohromady (s kým) [dok.]
to look up a word {verb}vyhledat slovíčko [dok.]
to build up sth. [develop sth.] {verb}zastavět co [dok.]
to dry up [the dishes] [Br.] {verb}poutírat [nádobí] [dok.]
to make up one's mind {verb}rozhodnout se [dok.]
up to the due date {adv}do termínu splatnosti
to twist up sth. [roll up sth.] {verb}smotat co [dok.]
to be fed up with sth. [coll.] {verb}mít č-o dost
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